The coming fall semester brings exciting changes along with some fond farewells to two adored members of the CCPA family.

Photo of Dr. Stephanie A. (Sam) Martin
Dr. Stephanie A. (Sam) Martin

Dr. Sam Martin has returned to her home state of Idaho to serve as the endowed Frank and Bethine Church Chair of Public Affairs for the Frank Church Institute at Boise State University. This is a highly regarded and esteemed position for a scholar so early in her career.

Mrs. Rebecca Hewitt

Mrs. Rebecca Hewitt has moved to Art History where she’ll serve as coordinator working with undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and scholars from across the U.S. and around the globe. Art History will undoubtedly benefit from the caring spirit Mrs. Hewitt brought to CCPA each day.

Heartfelt congrats and best wishes to Dr. Martin and Mrs. Hewitt who will be missed in CCPA!