If you are a recently declared CCPA major, congratulations! We are thrilled to have you. Our division has plenty to offer every one of its students. But if you want to get the most out of CCPA, look at these tips for success.


Always use your advisors. Once you are declared to CCPA, you are assigned a new advisor. They are responsible for answering your questions and ensuring you take the classes you need to graduate. It’s imperative you stay on top of these things, as classes and requirements can change over time. One class can make or break when you can graduate. So, don’t be afraid to get to know your advisor; they will become your greatest assets.

If you don’t know about CCPA’s recent specialization additions in Nonprofit and Arts Leadership or Social Innovation, Creative, and Arts Entrepreneurship, or the two new CCPA graduate programs, watch for more in the coming days.


While we are at it, introduce yourself personally to all your professors, and make sure they know you. Luckily, the CCPA department is reasonably small so getting to know your teachers shouldn’t be difficult. It’s important you get to know each CCPA professor by name and study their backgrounds on LinkedIn. Schedule some time to talk with them in their offices. You might be surprised by how fun they can be.

Let your professors know your interests and why you chose to take their course (aside from the credit requirement). Not to mention, you would be blown away by just how well connected our CCPA professors are in the work world. You never know what opportunities could open up!

If you happen to admire one or more of your professors, make sure you stay connected with them. They can offer a world of guidance while you’re in school and for many years after you graduate. Don’t worry that they are “too busy” to help you. That’s not the way CCPA is. We are blessed with professors that care about you far beyond the class and the grade.

Attend CCPA Events

It’s no secret that sometimes it’s not what you know but who you know. Fortunately, college is all about making those crucial connections. Here, the CCPA department at SMU gives its students every opportunity to make these connections by hosting networking events. For example, last spring, the department hosted a Job Search and Networking event, which brought in many important employers from the DFW, where students had the opportunity to have personal conversations in a relaxed setting. Many of our students received job offers and internships from this event alone! Luckily, the department is always looking to host these events to showcase the incredible students at CCPA. And if you are just starting, be sure to attend these events because you never know what could come from them.

Study Abroad, London

If you have always wanted to travel abroad, here’s your chance. Students of CCPA receive the fantastic opportunity to study abroad in London, UK, each summer. These programs can earn you internship credit from companies in the UK or class credit. This is a popular option for many students, so watch out for those application dates. In the meantime, keep calm and carry on.

SMU-In-London CCPA

Take Classes For Fun, Not Just Credit

The CCPA division offers an array of exciting classes and engaging class content. But sometimes, taking a class simply for the credit can take the fun out of your learning. In doing so, you may fail to realize the importance of the course or how useful it can be post-graduation. Ask yourself what you will be doing after graduation and try to match the skills you need to learn to the classes you take.

On the other hand, taking classes outside of the “required” can help enrich your knowledge or uncover a new passion. Best part? Check with your advisor to see if an extra class can count toward major or free elective credit.

Subscribe To CCPA Website Alerts

The best way to stay on top of all things CCPA is to subscribe to our website! Just enter your email address on the main page, right column.

Once subscribed, you’ll learn all kinds of things ranging from internship and job opportunities, networking events, division updates, scholarship opportunities, travel abroad, and hilltop-on-the-hill opportunities, CCPA events, and amazing student, alumni, and faculty stories. With all the essential information you need in one site, what’s not to love?

A Lot to Offer

As you can see from this limited list, CCPA has much to offer. But it’s up to you to take advantage of the opportunities. Don’t wait. Just dive in and enjoy your time with the CCPA Family.