CCPA Fellows serve by invitation and are at the center of the SMU CCPA communication. They devise and create content for, both web pages and blog posts, including posting all-important internship and job opportunities. Often you will see them “takeover” CCPA’s social media channels. Their diligent work brings important information and lots of fun to Make sure you subscribe to receive emails from CCPA, so you don’t miss a single blog post.

Meet Katrina Anderson!
Katrina grew up in Orange County, California. She is currently a senior double-majoring in Public Relations and Strategic Communications as well as applied Physiology and Sport Management, complimented with a minor in Corporate Communications and Public Affairs. This past summer Katrina interned with Southwest Airlines as an Internal Communications Intern. She reported to both the Corporate Communications Team and Operational Communications Team and loved every second of it!
“Professor Lee has provided me with a wealth of knowledge over the past two years, so I am so excited to work alongside him as a CCPA fellow! This department means so much to me and has provided me with numerous career opportunities and personal growth that I cannot wait to give back to it.”
We are thrilled to have you, Katrina!

Meet Ava Iversen!
Ava is an SMU senior majoring in Public Relations and Strategic Communications and a minor in Corporate Communication and Public Affairs. In addition to her academic achievements, Ava has obtained her real estate licenses in both, Texas and Florida. This past summer, Ava interned at Corcoran Reverie 30A, where she honed in on her skills and helped improve realtors’ social media presence, generating earned media opportunities along the way. In Dallas, Ava loves the Dallas Contemporary Museum, Dallas Museum of Art, and Beverley’s Restaurant.
“I am excited not only to have the opportunity to be a CCPA Fellow this year but to help showcase why the CCPA program at SMU is amazing. A program that strengthened my communication and confidence.”
We are delighted to have you, Ava!

Meet Bella Gouzoulis!
Bella is a Senior from Boca Raton, Florida. She has studied hard to major in Public Relations and Strategic Communications with minors in both Mandarin, Chinese, and Advertising. This past summer, Bella was a Luxury Stylist and social Media Intern at Saks Fifth Avenue in Bal Harbour, Florida. She absolutely loved it and learned an overwhelming amount about fashion and social media.
“Professor Lee has been more than just a professor, but a role model too. He has taught me a copious amount of information in just two years of knowing him, and I am so excited to be able to do something with him to give back in any way I can. The Communications Department has taught me so much about myself and offered me so many opportunities. I am so lucky to be apart of it!”
We are ecstatic to have you, Bella!

Meet Cam Arthur!
Cam is a Senior from Boston, Massachusetts. Cam has worked hard to major in Strategic Communications and Public Relations with a minor in Anthropology. She spent her summer traveling abroad to further study Spanish. Prior, in collaboration with Steve Lee and Support Her Story, Cam worked as a Social Media Intern. She learned an immense amount about creating social media content and writing blogs from a business perspective.
“Professor Lee has been an amazing mentor and teacher over the past three years. I have learned so much from him; from digital communications, crisis communications, to life advice. He is truly an amazing role model within the CCPA community. Furthermore, the CCPA department as a whole has always been a great outlet for career advice and opportunities that I am so grateful for. I am so excited to be apart of the Fellows Program and cannot wait to see what this year has in store!”
We are thrilled to have you, Cam!

Meet Marlowe McEfee!
Marlowe was born and raised in Piedmont, California. She is currently a senior double-majoring in Public Relations and Strategic Communications as well as Corporate Communications and Public Affairs. Since May, Marlowe has been doing customer outreach and marketing for a local software company to help build their brand and reach a wider audience. She has learned an immense amount and enjoys working with her team.
“The Communications Department at SMU is truly a special place to be and I am grateful to be apart of it. As a student, it is so encouraging to have professors who only want the best for you and you can feel that in every classroom. I am a fellow and am excited to be a fellow because of the people surrounding me within our community. Professor Lee is an incredible person to learn from and I am excited to work with the team this year.”
We are excited to have you, Marlowe!

Meet Gwynne Wolgemuth!
Gwynne is a senior from New York, New York. She has studied hard to major in Public Relations and Strategic Communications with a double minor in Advertising and Computer Science. While interning at Support HerStory in Dallas, TX, Gwynne elevated their blog’s visibility through adept SEO techniques taught me by our very own, Professor Steve Lee. Additionally, her innovative digital communication strategies helped her boost customer retention and amplify customer engagement.
“Being an SMU fellow with Professor Steve Lee has been a highlight at SMU. His wisdom and passion for out field, enriching my knowledge and inspiring me to contribute meaningfully to out team.”
We are thrilled to have you continue, Gwynne!
Love our Fellows!! Amazing team!!