Welcome back to CCPA and college life online. These are interesting times and extraordinary lessons for communicators.

We’re seeing hour by hour the importance of communication to take care of others, respond to a global crisis, and maintain some sense of humanity through it all.
These are strange times, too. Our beautiful campus will host only “essential personnel” for at least the next two weeks.
Our treasured interactions with classmates, professors, the Umph dining staff, and Mrs. Hewitt’s M&M dispenser have been replaced by social distancing. What remains, however, is how our CCPA family looks out for each other.
Reach out to any of us who can help you – to just chat, overcome an obstacle, or vent. Communication keeps us together.
Then, think about how you can help others. What will you do with this incredible time in history?
Welcome back to CCPA.
Let’s do this.
Dr. Duhé